Fab Friday Finds – What the … is That!
What the (insert choice word) is that?
Those words were uttered by The Hubs as I pulled into the driveway with my latest fab find!
Well, fab to me anyway, The Hubs on the other hand looked like he was having heart palpitations.
What was this fabulous find you ask?
20,000 Question:
a) Ugly old metal radiator cover
b) Fabulous potting table or outdoor bar
If you answered a, then stop reading now…
but, if you went with b (congratulations!), please stay and shower me with praises
(since I won’t be getting any at home)!
You see, my girlfriend was tossing it but I, using my womanly wiles,
asked two workers at her house to “help” me get it into my car.
(by help, I really mean, “please do all the work while I oversee with a smile on my face”)
Fab Find #2!
I also found this old toolbox at the thrift shop – think it will make a great planter.
Like this one – an old galvanized tub we filled with tulip bulbs last fall – fun seeing them finally sprout!
I’m off to admire my tulips and sit beneath my weeping cherry tree
and figure out what I’m going to do with that radiator cover!
Any thoughts on the radiator cover controversy of 2012 – I’d love to hear your suggestions!
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Oh you will come up with something fantastic! The tool box is cool. I am so mad at myself, because a few weeks ago I passed one up at goodwill for 10.00, My first intentions were to get it for my husband, and then I thought, no he does not need it. DUH! I do, I went back and it was gone! Enjoy the weekend.
Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s husband greets them like that when I bring home a “treasure”. Outdoor bar sounds good, or you could maybe use it as a cool message board and attach things with magnets. It could be a place to hang earrings??? I’m sure you’ll make it into something fun and interesting. Keep us posted on whatever you do with it.
This scenario could have been me, with my husband, whose screen name for himself is “suffering husband” just shaking his head as in “what crap has she brought to our home now”. I think it would make a fantastic little side table to hold pots. Can you add a solid base to it and wheels? Then you have a moveable patio table too!
My own dumpster diving antics yielded nada this morning. I think my luck ran out and I have successfully picked up all the good stuff anyone is throwing out in my small town for the next several months.
Karen’s idea of wheels sounds great, a moving bar! Have bar, party will travel 😉 Looking forward to seeing where your creativity takes you. Love your hubby’s reaction, one I’m very familiar with 😉
Ha! I love it!
well, if you are thinking of making it a bar, what about using the tool chest top for ice (after cleaning and spray painting) and the storage below for glasses, etc.
Just remind you hubby that you are so green and helpful toward the environment.That might help just a bit.
Sue, love it – dear, I’m only brining this rusty old thing home for the environment!
Fantastic idea for the tool chest too! I can hear the click of ice in my mojito right now!
Could you use that white thing in the garden, too? Maybe some plants on top, and some small planters that you could hang from the holes in that white thingy? That might be kind of neat 🙂 🙂
You find the most amazing stuff 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂 🙂
Another good idea – oh no, hope I’m not paralyzed with indecision and end up doing nothing!!
Anything you do with it, will be great! We all have to think “outside the box”, if we want unique items! Your blog is great!
You are so sweet – thanks so much! Have an amazing weekend!
Nice find! It’d make a fantastic bar, a potting station, or a yard cart – can’t wait to see what you do with this gem! Your tulips are gorgeous!
Oh my goodness, I want to be sitting under you willow tree right now while you serve me drinks from your new outdoor bar. 🙂
I just love your finds. And the photo of your cherry tree is gorgeous! Have a great weekend.
I don’t think I would do either of those things> I THINK I would turn it into a doll “apartment” house on rollers by turning it around, putting a couple of shelves in and making it a two or three level doll house so more than one little girl can have her own apartment and decorate “her” way! True, there is more work in that idea than the bar or potting station but…it’s just me and my thoughts!
That will definitely make an awesome outdoor bar! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! 🙂
Are you going to refinish that radiator cover turned bar or potting bench? Or just get a round of family tetanus shots!
Tetanus shots – we like living on the edge! Gotta get your thrills somewhere!
All I know, is that after you are done, I will be in awe of you a little but more. And want it.
I think it’ll be AWESOME as an outdoor bar! I’m so jealous!! I see your vision!
Ha ha! I’ve seen that “what the ?” look before, along with the words, “You want to bring THAT into the house?” He still has no vision, even when he’s seen what I can do with “junk.” Sigh…I guess we all can’t be visionaries can we lol!
My mind is mush tonight, so I can’t think of any suggestions beyond what others have said, so I’ll just have to wait to see what you do with it. Have fun! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment!
Have a lovely week!
I know what you can do with your rad cover! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it & the toolbox & the galvanized tub you planted up. Love, love, love. I want that rad cover. Sigh, why you and not me?
Sometimes they just don’t “get” us, do they. I think your radiator cover could be a wonderful outdoor bar, turn it around and add some shelves and you’ve got a great book/display case, even a trolley with some casters added. Have fun with it!!
Wait until he sees the finished product! Have a wonderful Easter!
Kelly, these are fabulous finds! Our husbands sound alike! I love the idea of a potting bench or bar- too cool! I love your idea of a tool box planter! I ready to sit under your tress and relax! What a gorgeous setting! Happy Easter!
my thoughts are running wild — i will give you my verdict soon! by the way…i filled in the blank Jersey style i am assuming! : ) at this moment i am feeling an outside bar center — all done up and displaying a huge jar of margarita’s along with all the trimmings — a perfect Summer’s Eve! more thoughts to come. wishing you and yours a wonderful and blessed Easter! hugs…
I’m so jealous – I want that radiator cover!!!! Looking at that makes me envision a patio bar, perfect to use when having friends over, potlucks, etc. Your hubby just doesn’t have future vision! LOL
I hope you had help lifting those fabulous finds so soon after your surgery!
I get that same reaction from my hubby when I tell him what new crazy project he needs to help me with 😉 But I guess my ideas aren’t TOO crazy, seeing as he usually does end up helping me out 🙂
I can totally see that radiator as an outdoor bar. Maybe replace the top of it with a wider piece of wood so you can tuck a coulpe of stools underneath and people can sit down at the bar. I’m a bit colour-biased at the moment, but I think it would look greay painted a dark turquoise.
Have fun with your radiator remake!
You’re so creative, whatever you do will be fabulous! You’re husband sounds a lot like mine. He’s learned not to ask any questions about what I bring home. 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful Easter!