Fab Friday Finds – Unique Memo Board & Curbside Castoff Table
Here’s the story of a lovely lady of an unlikely memo board combined with a curbside castoff to create the perfect landing spot by my back door for notes, keys, shades … and other random things!
At an estate sale a few months ago, I spotted an old crib in the dark recesses of the attic (picture me doing the happy dance)!
I politely declined the possibly bedbug ridden mattress though – getting itchy just thinking about it.
Right away I knew it would be the perfect memo board – one day.
But since it was almost Christmas when I found it, the crib spring made it’s first appearance on my Christmas mantel.
Christmas came and went and the crib spring came down (much to the hubs delight)!
But alas, he didn’t have time to rejoice for long because before he knew what hit him, he was hanging that spring on the kitchen wall where it’s our new memo board.
The blue metal table under the spring is a curbside castoff I rescued from the side of the road.
I still laugh out loud when I think of getting caught in the act by the hubs.
Can you believe that at the same moment I was wrestling the table into my car (far from my house, I might add), he drove by shouting, “Just Leave It There”!
He scared the bejeebers out of me but it didn’t deter me from my mission.
The table (did I mention it was FREE!) was topless (how embarrassing!) so I had grand plans of getting a piece of marble cut for the top.
Months went by and she still had no top – until fate intervened.
While cleaning out my basement (which resembled a scene from Hoarders), I spotted some leftover tile used in our house reno.
Three marble tiles fit perfectly! Entire table = FREE!
The perfect fit around the light switches!
Old clothes pins are perfect for hanging all those A+ (hopefully) papers!
Keep your eyes peeled at yard sales and thrift shops (and by the side of the road) for hidden gems.
Hold your head high while you’re diving into that dumpster and you’ll probably find some pretty cool things too!
And don’t be afraid to shout it from the rooftops – I found it in the trash!
Cute and very creative! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sitting here in beautiful Pacific Grove California with the sun shining on the ocean….showing your new creation to my husband and telling him “I bet there are some nifty hidden treasures in this resort town.” I think he’s relieved he has a golf date scheduled :).
Linda – perfect excuse – he’s out golfing so you should be out junking!
I agree and the opportunity just fell in my lap. The friends we’re visiting have a garage full of “extra” furniture from their old house…I’m heading to the garage to do some shopping!
*Sigh* Alas, my hubby is the same way…he just doesn’t understand why I love “big garbage day” (everyone puts out a TON of large items) in the next town, I came home with a huge stack of old windows and a wooden crate the other day LOL!! I love this idea and wish I had the wall space to hang one that I have laying around in the basement 🙁
My new idea-wear all black and sneak the stuff into the garage before the hubs sees!!
The creative ways you re-purpose something I would have passed over or labeled “junk” is inspiring! I may need to start picking through the alley …
Just be careful of those giant Chicago rats!
Dang those hubbies sneaking up on us! I bet you jumped 😉 Great fit with the marble on the table top!! Woo Hoo, love when something comes together like that. Looks great Kelly!! You heal up and don’t do too much.
Those hubbies do like to cramp our creative style sometimes don’t they!!
Even without a gall bladder you are as creative as ever! I love the color of the crib springs – did you paint it or was it that way from the get go? And that table and tiles are the perfect match!
The crib spring actually came that color green! I was so excited about the fab color (usually only see silver or brown ones)!
Awesome finds, both of them! Love the crib springs, and especially that green color, and your curbside rescue looks amazing with it’s new free top! That would have scared the bejeezus out of me if my hubby yelled out “Just leave it there!” , while driving by. I am usually so in the zone when I have scored something, that if it were me, I probably would have been so startled, I would have dropped and broken that table!
We don’t have as many great OLD things out here in Cali to trash pick from. I miss that part of living in the midwest!
Have a fab weekend!
What a great idea, Kelly!
this is so cute…i love it and love the color too!! I want one…
Love it, especially the story of the table! lol Thanks for the inspiration & the laughs.
how perfect….I love that Christmas mantle…so many fun uses for a discarded item
There are several things I love about blogging….nice people, getting to peek into beautiful homes, and learning from others. Your idea of using that crib as a memo board is brilliant! It looks great and you saved it from an untimely fate. Same with the shelf…I never look at anything the same way anymore.
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous reno. Your home is amazing!
How cute Kelly. I love this, so proudly displayed!
You are a really good writer (made me laugh), besides making good use of old things. I enjoyed reading this. I love the clothespins holding the items on the crib spring. I could see the apple picture framed. I love kid art.
What a cute, cute, cute idea! Just think what can go up on that great memo board! The clothespins are a darling touch!
Oh, I have been looking for a vintage crib spring, lucky find! I love your display! First time here and your newest follower, hope to see you visit! I’ll be back to check more of your talent!
I’m kicking myself! I saw one of these the other day and didn’t get it~not free but at a junk store!
Those crib springs work great for so many things…love it on your mantel too. Your story about your hubby busting you with the table is classic…sounds like something that would hapeen to me too 🙂 Laurel
What a great idea! Nicely done!!!! Thanks for sharing!
LOVE this!!! One of these crib springs is on my “list of stuff I’m on the lookout for”
You are too much girl! I love that! Very practical and cool. A for sure conversation piece. Thanks for sharing Kelly!
I think you will continue to find new uses for your crib springs. Love the story about your husband driving by.
Great idea!! I LOVE this! It looks great and is so unexpected!
Very cute idea! Love the green~
Your spring memo board is fabulous!! It looked good on the mantel, but the memo board idea is genius.
Mary Alice
I love this and the unusual green color! I have a perfect spot for it in my studio:-) Keep up the curbside and attic hunting!
I love the green color of your old bedspring. I want to find one to suspend from the ceiling in my closet to hang all my purses.
Great idea Carol – let me know if you find one!
Cute story and creative use for the old spring. That green color is great.
I love this so much!! In fact, I went to a huge flea market this weekend in search of an old screen for my mantel.
No luck, alas.
I’m featuring this today!!
Well, I meant to say an old SPRING not screen. But, hopefully you got my drift 🙂
Oh..this is great! Hmmm….do you think Trish might let me steal back my crib I gave her?? I could use the one from that!! You did a great job!! 🙂
Bonnie @ Uncommon
The color is great, and I love how you’re using it. I’m too much of an in-the-box thinker to utilize things so differently than they were intended, but I’m glad there are people like you who can!
You are so mart! Someone just had on at the curb in my neighborhood – I kept looking at it, trying to figure out if I could repurpose it! Now I know for next time. Thank you for sharing.
fantastic! Love this upcyle!! Must find baby crib as soon as humanly possible…
Wonderful recycle project. It looks great.
I am completely in love with this!! I need to ding great junk like this. Lol! I will be featuring you on Facebook this week. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igottacreate/100573240032625
thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina
Wow! These crib springs are looking great in your home. I have one sitting in my basement for the same purpose, but have not yet gotten around to actually utilizing it. But you have given me the extra push I needed. Thanks!
hugs x
This is a great idea! Love it! Thanks for sharing!