January Clean Slate
Away with the Santas, stockings, trees and trimmings.
The excess of Christmas has me craving a simple, clean look.
January is the perfect time to take stock.
To empty rooms for a fresh perspective.
To surround ourselves with only what we love.
To remove things that just don’t work anymore.
To rearrange furniture, art and tchotchkes.
So before we put our things back in the exact same location they’ve been in for years …
let’s look at our house in a whole new light.
I’ve been doing just that in 2016 and hope you’ll join me. Let’s get rid of some things (hello Craigslist, consignment shop and thrift store), bring in a few new things and surround ourselves with what makes us happy.
Make sure to read my Decluttering Tips for a More Organized Home
So, what do I get rid of? what goes on Craigs’ List? How do I know what to toss and what to keep. People tell me that everything I have is fabulous and collectible; then, just box it all up or toss it away and start new again? Maybe for a 30 something. It’s taken me years to find the unique things that I have. Maybe I mis-read this article and ;your things are not that valuable?
Wow, Connie, harsh. Did we read the same post? I did not get the same message that you did, at all. In fact, I think Kelly’s message is to take a step back, breathe and take stock. But then again, I tend to be more positive than negative.
Glad to see you got what I’m saying Terry! Here’s to being positive!
Great that you love everything you have. My post is about keeping what we love and getting rid of stuff we don’t. Thanks for thinking I’m a 30-something! and have a wonderful night.
I hope I have as much luck as you have. I am doing this exact thing. Hard to get rid of things though, but I am determined. Keep sending positive vibes and I will make it through.
Get rid of things? Not too sure about that. Right now can’t do housework but when I can, will try to weed out some of less desirable goodies. Not too sure there are less desirables but will try. No promises tho. Good excuse for now, still healing from surgery but will keep purging in mind. Enjoying clean look without decos right now. Working on ideas for new directions, think travel. Happy New year.
I’m doing just that Kelly. I’m taking a step back, letting go of things that I’ve had for years and no longer work and I’m de-cluttering. I have a little antique/vintage booth so I have lots of stock in my storage area. I shopped my stock and found a beautiful small pedestal table and some vintage chairs that I’ll re-do for my kitchen. It will look a lot bigger with a smaller table and create more space. I love moving and changing things around and this time of year is a great time to let things go that I’m tired of. I’ve had my kitchen table for 30 years!