Falling for Vintage Fall Home Tour
My favorite season – Fall.
Boots, jeans, the smell of burning wood, apple cider doughnuts …
and an excuse to decorate!
We went in for wild Maine blueberries …
and I came out with this fabulous old sign that was sitting neglected in the grass – $10 and it was making the 500 mile trip home with me!
What’s better than an old school chalkboard during back to school season.
Crash – this giant branch fell on our garage and I hauled it inside before my hubby could haul it away.
Brass is back says my vintage quail.
Who needs to weigh themselves when they can weigh mums instead.
Charles Chips delivered right to our front door when I was a kid.
If you like it then you better put a pinecone in it … instant pumpkin.
A bouncing baby boy – my hubby – was weighed on this old scale that sits on my old window chevron tray.
Gold replaces my turquoise pyrex for the season.
Gotta run – I’m putting on my boots and heading to the pumpkin patch.
It’s a party – stop by these fabulous ladies who have also put their vintage spin on their fall decorating.

So pretty! I normally will do a little bit of decorating for the fall and hubby likes to decorate for Halloween but as our son is due on Halloween, I don’t want to do too much because I’d have to put it all away and the timing is off. I do plan on getting some mums if we ever get away from the 90 plus degrees here in Missouri.
So much vintage loveliness, Kelly! Love the fruit on your silver trophies. 🙂 We’re still in 90 degree weather, so I’ll just enjoy fall vicariously through you.
xo Heidi
I am totally LOVING your fall decorations! We had one of those Charles Chips tins in the bottom of my pantry growing up! We stored all kinds of things in there 🙂 I’m inspired…Now, I need to get my act in gear and get my own decorations out! Life to the full! Melissa
charles chips! we got them, too…columbus, ohio.
It is all so cute, Kelly. That sign is fabulous and I love your added chalkboard.
Love, love your vintage home! So many sweet and fun ideas for fall. Your $10. sign is awesome! And it has inspired me to paint an old ironing board top and hang it. May I ask how you hung yours with out much damage to the wall? I don’t want big holes if I can help it. Thanks! Beautiful home, Kelly! Blessings, Pamela
Love your ironing board sign idea Pamela (I have two old ironing boards)! I just hung it with 2 sawtooth hangers you would find on the back of most pictures.
so warm and happy! the u-pick chalkboard is my favorite!
Kelly – as always , your home looks lovely! I just LOVE that sign…I have not really started decorating for fall yet – this series is really getting me in the mood! Thanks for sharing your home!
Such cool ( warm) Fall ideas. I especially luv the bundt pan pumpkin!!
I love the upside down Bundt pan pumpkin. Everything looks great and that sign is a great souvenir from your trip to Maine.
So awesome, Kelly!!! I love that bundt pan pumpkin. And now I feel like I want a sweater, even though it’s still 90 degrees here. Maybe I’ll just settle for an apple cider donut!
Love it all..the sign is fabulous. The apples on the tarnished sliver pieces vintage perfection!
Kelly what an awesome sign, love it!! All of your fall touches look so pretty. I am adoring your fireplace for the fall with those beautiful pumpkins and the mums. The mums on that scale are so smart and that chip can as the pot!!
Love your tour! You had me at the sign! And the scale….perfection!
Happy fall to you rock star!
How many times have I come across a bundt pan at a yard sale for almost free. Now I hope I can find one and enJOY making one of those pumpkins. So creative.
Love your fall decor. The scales are awesome. I am decorating for fall myself! Di@Cottage-Wishes
I love your style. Such a wonderful teaser on Instagram. I had to go grab my laptop…so I could see it bigger. So interesting and neat and clean. What a happy place to live. Have a wonderful day! ~k.
Gorgeous! I love the sign you found. Makes me want apple cider right now!
Awesome tour, Kelly! I’m loving your mantel with the chalkboard (such a cool idea)! And, your Charles Chips tin is a perfect planter for your mum! I want that sign (oh, and your gold pyrex), too!
Love subtlety of your Fall decorating and there’s no witches or scared y cats! I knew it could be done! So pretty, Kelly!
The bundtumpkin, the scales, the chip can, the $10 treasure. It all equals pure loveliness and puts a smile on my face. Love it. Lori Lucas
I enjoyed looking at all your Fall Vignettes Kelly! That upside down bundt cake pan with pinecone is genius!!!!! This reminds me of starting on mine, but I’m still ‘hovering’ on my kitchen, so in the meantime, I’ll enjoy your gorgeous decor!
OK, so all your posts are great; but this one is darn right fabulous! Your comments are all so funny; I’m going to be singing “put a pinecone on it” all day long. Let’s see… love the dinner sign, love the weighing mums, love the gold pyrex, love the pumpkins in the box, love the books and bird under glass. DON’T love the fact I am still waiting for my dear husband to bring home my fall boxes from storage… guess he needs a sweet reminder! xoxo jules
So many cute things I want in this post! LOVE, love, love the cabinet with the herringbone backsplash, AND the round window, AND the scale. So much fab vintage stuff I am dying. I live for vintage, even wrote a vintage novel girlinthejitterbugdress.com). I can’t get enough. Gorgeous photos, too! Well done!
The vintage green chalkboard. Yum.
The fallen branch, the Pyrex, just all the cool touches all over.
Perfect Kelly!!
Kelly, who would have thought to turn an orange bundt cake pan over and stick a pine cone in it? Clever YOU! That really made me smile! Loved your tour!
It all looks great Kelly!! That chips container, used as a planter is just too clever! Love your sign and your chalkboard too!
Kelly, what a great find! I love your sign. It’s always worth it when you get it home and put in that perfect spot. Love the green chalkboard also! Great tour and thanks for showing us your talent. xoxo
Hi Kelly,
I love your blog. I have to admit that I’m a tad bit jealous though. I love the birch tree next to the coat rack and new sign. Is it a decal or did you paint it?
Thanks Hillary – it’s a decal – I think I got it at Target a few years ago!
So pretty! I ADORE the apples in the trophies!
Hey, Kelly!
I adore that sign – I like it so much I may have to try and make one for myself. . .
ALSO- I did a post recently that talked about my scale collection – i do NOT have a floor standing scale! It’s on the list!
Kelly, love it all. i have some of the vintage autumn hued platters and just ‘gifted’ my niece with some vintage gold Pyrex. (she’s going mid-century, the old days when her dad and I were kiddos). Fall is my favorite time I think. have to go home and dig out all the treasures to show off.
You always have the most amazing vintage treasures. Like…I need to show up with a UHaul. lol Your display everything so pretty, Kelly!
Thanks for the tour! So many pretty Fall details. I love your vintage scales too. I love Fall and crisp days but we had a scorcher today with 35 C that felt like 42 C (95 F feeling like 107 F with the humidity.) It looks like it will be more tolerable by the weekend.
Oh my goodness, I am having heart palpitations over that sign you found!! How cool, how COOL! I love the Fall tour in your home. Now come visit and finish decorating my home please 🙂
Great Fall decorating ideas… I especially like the bundt cake pan-turned pumpkin; very creative!
I love your fall home Kelly – the touches are so pretty and subtle and natural. And your styling is just perfect.
Your Fall home is fabulous!, warm and cozy. Thanks for sharing!
We love what you have done. Please come share it with us at http://obsessiveandcreative.blogspot.com Craft Frenzy Friday! The party starts Thursday to 7pm cst. I won’t be a party without you!
You have such great taste! I am in love with that Charles Chips container that you have. My mom worked in an office that had chips delivered in those canisters, and that brought back a lot of memories of me sneaking chips when I would go to work with her. 🙂
That sign is AMAZING!! I would have totally bought it too. Love all your vignettes- the pumpkins in the box is so charming!! Pinning away!!
Love it! (It’s funny—I have a lot of the same things!) I can remember when the potato chip man used to deliver to our house.
Love every detail of your fall decor. I love the mix of vintage with the new and love the potato chip tin with the mums! Great find with the sign! So cool. Just wore my boots to a Saturday baby shower. It was so cold this weekend in Michigan! Fall is definitely here! I love fall but get sad to see the leaves on the trees go bare. Not that fond of November with bare leaves but love snowy winters. I think Spring is my favorite season.
Love your house, especially all dressed up for fall! It’s like all the best finds at the flea market in one spot 🙂
I’m forever dragging random branches into my house too…
Oh, how I absolutely love what you did in front of your fireplace – such a great idea!!!! We aren’t able to use our fireplace this season due to construction issues, so I will be definitely “copying” your wonderful vignette! Thank you ever so much for sharing.
What a wonderful home tour Kelly, you amaze me every time! You’ve got a great eye for mixing your vintage finds with little bits of Fall here and there – it all looks so great together!
am off to the basement to grab a crate and stuff all my cookbooks in it!
So fun and festive…I just love it!! I would definitely rather weight mums, than myself! 😉
Gorgeous, Kelly! I’ve never seen your back door entrance and love the Dinner sign! Also, my grandma used to have one of those brass quails so that instantly tugged at my heart strings. 🙂
Kelly, your home looks amazing for fall. I LOVE the fireplace vignette…perfect 🙂
So many cute ideas, Kelly!! Love the bundt pan…genius! Also love that tree in your entry way…the hand painted one…so pretty! And awesome score on the sign!
Beautiful Fall Kelly! I love the U Pick sign and all the rest!
i Kelly,
Your fall decor is very, very nice! I love the effect of fruit and vintage items put together. You’ve done it well. I love the Dinner sign, the “pumpkin” and the scale for the candy corn, especially.
I hope you are enjoying a nice fall day!
Oh my gosh, the mum in the Charlies Chips can brings back so many memories — all good ones! My grandma adored Charlies Chips. I remember a drive-thru convenient store near Sandusky, Ohio, that sold them, along with many other items (ahem, beer and ciggies) that my grandma loved. Beautiful decor as usual!