Fab Friday Finds – Antique Piano Stool in C-Minor

Sing us a song, you’re the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we’re all in the mood for a melody
And you’ve got us feelin’ alright

Like the Piano Man, Billy Joel, I was feelin’ more than alright when I spotted this piano stool at the thrift shop.

I sang when I scooped it up …

I sang all the way up to the cash register …

and I continued singing as I drove it home and brought it straight up to my bathroom …

And much to my family’s horror, it still makes me sing – but now in the shower!

Try My Simple Bath Salts Recipe  – it’s guaranteed to make you sing (or at least smile).

The winner of The Southern Bloggers conference ticket is …

Brenda at Cottage 4c– can’t wait to meet her (working on my southern drawl now).

Sharing Here:
Junkin Joe at The Cottage Market, Southern Hospitality, Funky Junk Interiors
DIY Showoff, Faded Charm Cottage, Savvy Southern StyleThe Charm of Home,
At the Picket FenceFrench Country Cottage2805Common Ground
Stuff & Nonsense  

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  1. What a great find and them claw feet are awesome.
    Looks like it’s a great addition to your bathroom.

  2. kelly,
    i could hear you singing when i opened your blog post! lol. and to think you found THS in a thrift store! love those glass feet.

  3. I am so excited to be joining you and so many other cool gals at the conference! Thank you tons!!!
    Oh – and those glass feet are awesome!

  4. Much to my family’s horror, I’ll be entertaining them with my Billy Joel songlist … sung by me … and trust me, I should never, ever sing anything!

    Love that stool … uh oh, I’m seeing some really bad bathroom humor on the horizon …



  5. Fun find! I’ve seen some piano stools but we want a bench – for our vintage piano! Wish I could find one of those at a thrift store – I’d be singing too!

  6. Love your stool in “C Minor”..but it really deserves a “A Major” rank! ….I have had no luck in finding a good one that I want for a plant stand…so my searches have definitely been in the “F Major” category!…Love yours!…Great find Kelly.

    Congrats again to Brenda, the winner of the conference ticket!…Going to be a great time to be had by all!!….So glad Kelly will be appearing at the conference “in all dimensions” and not “flat”….

  7. LOVE IT!!! What a great score! And it’s in such great condition. My all time favorite make-over I’ve done is a piano stool. Mine was practically falling apart when I got it so I had to put it back together. LOVE yours! Those claw feet make me sing too! Happy Friday 🙂

  8. Lovely! I have the exact same piano stool, with the crystal feet. Mine once belonged to my great-grandparents. My mom saved it after my grandma died and boxed it up and mailed it to me from Indiana all the way to CA. I treasure it.

  9. I’ve seen these and love them too. I wonder whoever thought of this – “let’s make a creepy claw clutching a ball for the feet of this stool”. Beautiful, but kind of strange…

  10. Those are the coolest little feet on a bench I have seen. I would be singing, and doing a dance. In the store, and my kids would be horrified. But it wouldn’t stop me. How fun is this find!

  11. I passed on a cute table this weekend that had the same feet, which I’d never seen before. It was $150, and I would have gotten murdered if I’d bought it! Around here, we NEVER come across bargains like the rest of the country seems to. I think people here are too greedy! Your stool is very cool!

  12. What a cute idea you just gave me for extra seating, Kelly. My hubby is a composer and plays piano, so this would be perfect–thank you so much for this inspiring post. I thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving encouraging words–it always makes my day!

  13. I have a piano stool exactly like yours, complete with the glass ball feet! Thank you for sharing your adorable find at Potpourri Friday! Remember to leave a comment as what you would use the Home Depot gift card for to have a second entry to the Giveaway!

  14. The stool is awesome! I would like to know how much you paid for it. Please put that info in your posts because it is one of the thrills of junking. I like to feel vicariously jealous, ha.

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