Fab Friday Finds – Patchwork Perfection

Just got back last night from my whirlwind trip to Brimfield!

Too exhausted to share my finds but I can’t wait to show you what my friends and I got!

For today …

it’s July.

Record 100+ degree temps.

A regular heat wave.

So why am I buying blankets?

The colors of the rainbow pulled me like a magnet across the lawn of the yardsale

where I spotted this beauty.

So what if I have to stuff her into the closet for a few months.

When the temperature plummets and I’m curled up in front of a roaring fire,

hot chocolate in hand,

I’ll be glad I scooped up this warm weather friend.

Now, I’m off to the pool to cool off!

Check out my other Fab Friday Finds.

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Southern Hospitality, Funky Junk Interiors 

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  1. Who needs the winter to snuggle under gorgeous rainbow colored blankets? Just crank up that AC until your girls are complaining and donning their hoodies … and then you’re ready for some heat wave hot coco and blanket cuddling!



  2. I would have gone for it too!! So what if it’s 100 degreees? the next time an off-season winter storm knocks out power for a week, I’d be prepared, beautifully.

  3. Oh how I love this blanket. The colors are amazing. I cannot begin to think of the work that went into making this, then piecing it all together. How fun! Hope you found that pool!

  4. What a great and colourful find! We are having really hot dry weather too and yet I keep finding myself working on a crocheted afghan I am finishing, as well as sewing the binding on my son’s quilt. Good thing for air conditioning.

  5. Catching up on my reading, so late to comment on this–but had to say I love it! I’ve developed a collection of handmade blankets (to go with my chairs needing make-overs, I guess), but this is one-of-a-kind! Almost inspires me to pick up some knitting needles!

  6. Makes me want to start knitting something similar, but it isn’t knitting weather in Texas. Especially not blanket knitting weather. Maybe something to think about for the fall/winter.

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