I Scored at the Thrift Store – I Need a Vintage Glassware Intervention
I need help.
I can’t pass by a cool set of vintage glassware without scooping it up (case in point – these vintage glasses).
They combine my love of two of my favorite things …
shiny things and cocktails.
You know a Jersey girl can’t pass by anything gold either.
What’s a collecting crazy, bling loving, cocktail sipping girl to do?
The only thing possible …
build more cabinets to store them.
Now I’m on the hunt for vintage swizzle sticks.
Mojito anyone? Oh that reminds me, I need to plant some mint.
See all of my thrift shop finds here.
Is there something you absolutely can’t pass by at the thrift shop?
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Between Naps on the Porch, Savvy Southern Style
Cool find!!!! Doesn’t it just give you an incredible high to find awesome thrift store things! Have a great weekend!
Love the glasses! They remind me of the cocktail parties that my parents had when I was a kid. And as for mint, please come and take mine. In spite of tha fact that I tried to kill it all off in February, it is once again taking over my herb garden. This year I planted it in an old bird bath along with rosemary. It will look pretty and stay contained. I do love mint, especially in fruit salad. Have a great day! Sue
Kelly, I ADORE these glasses and I am just like you! I can’t pass by any kind of glass – cut glass, drinking glasses, colored glass. I love your comment about building more cabinets to store them in – no intervention needed, just more cabinets! 🙂 I just brought home a set of retro glasses that belonged to my in-law’s that look very much like your new glasses, except they are rimmed in silver and have a big E monogram on them! Thanks for sharing and hope you have an amazing holiday weekend!
My last name starts with an E – there may have been a tug of war if we spotted them at the same time!
my family jokes about my wedding gifts – it’s always glasssware! i, too, have quite the collection of vintage barware. there’s just something about holding a great piece of glassware in your hand – the balance, the thickness of the rim, how it fits perfectly in your hand. oh, yes, there is some serious love going on here. we must be kindred spirits. martini? yes, please!
My thrifting buddy tried an intervention. It only works when she is along at the sales with me. Last week, alone on my own I came home with a set of 16 multi-sized silver rimmed glasses. From low boys to tall boys. I didn’t get them put away before they were discovered. My son said in a sarcastic tone, “MORE glasses? WHAT is wrong with you?”
they just don’t understand do they?!
Plant the mint around your foundation (in pots in the ground to “contain” it) and you’ll never be bothered w/ rodents in your house. Spiders & ants also hate it. It’s a great pest deterrent as well as a necessary Mojito or Julep ingredient
ps — love your vintage glassware score!!!
Great score! I have a rack that these glasses would look great in! I know because I’ve been looking for tall skinny vintage glasses to fit in it. Would make it easy to serve your cocktails outdoors! Buy a pot of mint because you can use the mint immediately. I have some that I’ve had in an urn for years. But be sure you don’t plant it in the ground because it will become invasive!
Those are nice and I need more shelves, too.
Nice glasses Kelly, great finds.
Kelly, Love the glasses. I know what you mean about interventions. I need one to stop collecting the vintage dinnerware pieces I keep running across. I’m running out of room, but they are so wonderful…..
Help!! LOL
Kelly, you are my kind of Jersey Girl!!! We do love the gold and shiny. You always score when thrifting. It is amazing to me. Have a great weekend!
You’d be a fool to pass these by! Every girl needs a bit of gold in her life. And now you have me craving a mojito. Is noon to early to start drinking on Memorial Day weekend??
Awesome find you have here. Maybe you can come by and share at my party on Monday.
Wow! Those remind me of the blingy glasses I just found in the souks in Morocco! My favorite finds there were a handbag and makeup case made of recycled tire inner tubes. The designs are stunning!
Cool! I love little juice glasses. But they have to be cute and cheap! Enjoy your find!
Can’t blame you Kelly! I’m in the same dilemma, hopefully my future renovated kitchen can accomodate my ‘addiction’! Have a great holiday weekend!
I have a thing for vintage doilies…. just can’t pass them up no matter how many I already have. At least they are a little easier to store than glassware – lol. Good luck finding those swizzle sticks. They are hard to find these days.
We share more than our name! I cannot pass by a glass with any kind of graphic on it. Since we don’t have books anymore (kindle) I have full collections of glassware throughout our library/office now. I even had to sell off some of my collections so I could get NEW collections! I have some great vintage swizzle sticks and I even have a box of Nudie ice Cube trays.
Nice finds Kelly. Be careful with that mint – it will grow EVERYWHERE before you know it. Or you could just grow it in the kitchen so it is easy access!
Those glasses are so groovy. My mom had something similar, I am really wanting to find my own set now. Funny, I didn’t know how much I wanted them until I started seeing your collection!