Fab Friday Finds – This May be the Best One Yet!

I did the moonwalk when I found the $6 thrift shop dresser!

I almost crashed into a lamp post when I spotted all the goodies at my $20 yard sale score!

But I do believe this might take the cake

as my all time favorite find!

Isn’t she a beauty?!

A 1950’s metal glider with her original blue and white paint …

hold on, I need a moment …

ok, now that I’ve collected myself, let’s get back to business.

A concussion almost occurred as I nearly tripped over my own feet while running

(felt like I was moving in Bay Watch slow-mo) towards it!

I had my girlfriend plop herself down and told her not to budge til I ran upstairs and paid for it.

Looks like I arrived in the nick of time – since a woman came by a minute later wanting it!

For this prize – there may have been a cat fight, hair pulling, all out scream fest!

(Honestly, I’m normally a pretty mellow gal – but hello – we’re talking vintage glider here)!

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do after all.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, she was a mere 60 smackers (double rainbow happiness)!

Check out all my Fab Friday Finds here.

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Funky Junk Interiors, From My Front Porch to Yours, Common Ground 

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  1. I LOVE IT! I’m so jealous! I love these old gliders & would love to have one on our screened porch, but the only ones I can find around my neck of the woods are in terrible shape. 🙁

    1. It’s in great condition – but I think it would look even more amazing with a shiny new coat of paint – we’ll see! I’m kind of lazy so don’t know if that will ever happen! I’d rather sit on my glider than paint!

  2. Fantastic score Kelly!!! I laughed when you said you had your girlfriend sit in it to claim your find!! I would have done the exact same thing! That color is just so beautiful! Have a great weekend – can’t wait to see what you score next! Heather 🙂

  3. OMGSH… that is FREAKIN’ AMAZING! You hit the jackpot there, girl!!! And good thing you had a friend to squat on it!!! ha!

  4. I LOVE it! I have wanted a vintage glider for so long… I see one sitting neglected on the porch of a house and every time I drive by I’m so close to stopping and asking if I can buy it! (One of these days I think I’ll actually work up the nerve.)

  5. ok… I would have fought for that glider too! I’ve wanted one of those for YEARS! Here in Washington state they are impossible to find…. either they all rusted and collapsed since the 50’s or we never had any in the first place since who wants to own outdoor furniture that can only be used 3 times per year (ha)!

    Truly, I am soooo jealous of your find! And the color!


  6. I will just BET she did. So good you had a shopping buddy! THAT is fabulous. They don’t make stuff like they used too. (Yep, I’m channeling my grandmother) It’s so true!! Unless you spend a ton, most stuff today is, excuse me, Crap!

    This is a FAB score Kelly. Enjoy it =))) I think the best yet!

  7. hahahaha…..I want to see the Baywatch trailer. You shove Pamela Anderson down…..grab your board and whistle and launch over to the glider.

    I think it’s a winner 🙂

    🙂 me

  8. INCREDIBLE find!!!!! You lucky girl! Love the color and style of that old glider. I think you are right about spraying on a clear coat! It will protect it and make it look amazing!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. I’m hoping I can show off tomorrow, you have all the luck!! Maybe just maybe I will find something awesome!
    Love it!

  10. I love your glider! We have two patio chairs my brother-in-law gave us that exactly match that basket weave pattern on the back! Mine are not rusted but both need a paint job for sure. This is my first visit to your site but I will definitely be back!

    1. Jeanette,
      Maybe your chairs and my glider were separated at birth! Wouldn’t it be fun to reunite them (in my backyard)!! Mine has a bit of surface rust but I think a little clear protectant is all it needs (don’t want to get rid of that fabulous original paint)! Thanks for stopping by – if you don’t want to miss any of my witty posts (?), you can subscribe and have emails sent right to your inbox. Just click on the E seltzer bottle on my right sidebar – thanks and have a great day!!

      1. Lol, perhaps so! I’d love to reunite them in your backyard, in fact, I’m considering listing them on Craigslist. I’m in the Kansas City area if you’re interested! By the way, I love that turquoise color!

  11. wow! and in such great shape. go ahead and get that clear coat on there, then don’t be surprised if it disappears mysteriously….. I’ve been looking for one of those for years. now I know where to find it.

  12. Kelly I love that bench…there is a link up at the newbie party this week with one just like it..now I have to go find it !

  13. Nice find, and excellent timing! Love the combination of turquoise & white, and it looks like it’s in pretty good shape. Hope you had fun at the rummage sale 🙂

  14. Congrats! I’ve done a couple of posts on the elusive vintage glider. I hope to be so lucky and find one in such great shape.

  15. I am so jealous. That color is amazing!!! Now I’m off to check out your twitter picks to see what else you lucked out on!

  16. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my front porch. I had already seen your gorgeous glider but couldn’t leave a comment because of my dail up internet. But today I’m visiting via wireless. You got a terrific deal. It is in much, much better shape than mine and I love love love the color. I would have been hyperventialating (did I spell that right?), too!!!! I also love your cute little wreath with the umbellas. I’m going to become a new follower in a sec! Blessings, Tammy

  17. You were lucky to find this in such good shape…I have been looking for one, cause’ my Grandma had one just like it….gotta love memory builders. Creatively yours, Lori

  18. oh wow! that is beautiful. now i AM kicking myself for not buying a glider i saw at a house sale (guy was flipping the house and clearing out years of debris). i may call him just to see if he sold it. (i did find lots of other goodies though.) love the outdoor room you’ve created.

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