Vintage Sign & 5 Bottles of Wine

The sign called to me, with a French accent no less, from an estate sale basement.

“Bon jour mademoiselle.

You are so beautiful,

and I am only $5 (or 4.10 euros)!”

I was putty in his enameled French hands?

I hemmed.

I hawed.

What to do with the sign?

So I wired it to this basket,

for the perfect mix of some of my favorite things.




I have non other to thank but the amazing Kim for this fabulous idea!

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  1. Beautiful — the sign and the basket go perfectly together and I love the vases of hydrangeas. I don’t have any but my neighbor as TONS in all colors. I’m going to ask if I can cut some — I know they’ll say yes 🙂

  2. I love hydrangeas, and yours look lovely in the bottle & basket 🙂
    I have a love/hate relationship with things that call out to me from stores. Especially because they’re usually the expensive things! 😉

  3. It looks great Kelly. The sign is so neat and I love the hydrangeas in the wine bottles. Wine and hydrangeas…two of my favorite things. 🙂

  4. Looks beautiful paired up with those flowers!
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  5. Oh, I am loving this basket with the cute sign! Just lovely! I will be featuring this post on this week’s TTF party! I hope you will join us again and stop by to grab your “I was featured” button for your blog!

  6. Pretty nice :).

    (Although it’s a bit strange to read “Cave au vin”, as we usually say “Cave à vin”…
    Wonder where the “au” version comes from !)

  7. This is one of my favs Kelly! I love these signs so much and what a perfect addition on the basket! So glad you shared it with the copy cat party. Would love if you added me little ole link with the rest of these wonderful parties you joined. I am getting ready to join your color party…just have to make a post.

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