Christmas Chalkboard Art
I love chalkboards! They are perfect for creating unique art that you can change on a whim. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite Christmas chalkboard art and most of them are so easy to create.
Before I share my favorite Christmas chalk art, let’s take a walk down memory lane and look back at my Christmas chalkboards.
I’ve shared this secret with you before and I’ll tell you again. If you think you can’t draw, do what I did and have a talented friend create stunning chalk art for you. I hired my friends college age daughter to create this chalk masterpiece (the same gal who did my amazing dining room wall mural).
Before I erased it, I turned it into a free printable so be sure to grab yours.
Santa and Reindeer Chalk Art (and free printable)
If you want this chalk art printed on canvas, pillows, trays and more, shop my Society 6 shop here.
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Artistically challenged? Then do what I did and create “snow” on your chalkboard (so easy even a Yeti could do it).
If you can draw straight lines then you can make my snowflake chalk art.
This scribble tree was a cinch to make!
Priscilla creates whimsical chalk art for every season and I love that before she erases her masterpieces, she turns them into the most beautiful cross stitch art!
Here Comes Santa Claus Chalk Art
Countdown the days til Santa’s arrival with a chalkboard Advent calendar.
If you can draw circles and snowflakes, then you can make this.
Recreate your favorite quote in chalk.
My friend Jen is an amazing artist but she says she cheated on the hand lettering and shares her method for using a transfer technique so her letters are picture perfect.
If you’ve got great penmanship, this would be fun to do.
Who needs a Christmas tree when you can string lights and ornaments from your chalkboard wall!
Chalkboard Christmas Tree with Lights
No fireplace? No worries! Just draw some flames on a chalkboard and prop in front of a faux mantel.
Don’t have a chalkboard? No worries because my friend Diane shows us how to make a chalkboard out of a piece of canvas.
If you’re just starting out with chalk art, you may want to try your hand at making these fun little chalkboard art ornaments.
If all else fails, you can always buy Christmas chalk art printables!
Wow!!! I am in Love with each chalk board. I wish I could draw…lol
Snowflakes are pretty simple to draw!
Thanks, they are all wonderful, so many creative people.
Wish I was that talented!
I love your chalkboard art and so remember when you bought that fabulous chalkboard easel at a church sale? Merry Christmas Kelly!
I can’t believe you remember that Shirley! Maybe Santa will bring me another chalkboard because I obviously need one! Hope you are healing and feeling better every day my friend.
I love chalkboard art too, and I cringe when I people say it’s headed out or over done. Cool is cool right? and if it’s on it’s way out I’m gonna be happily out of style. All these are fantastic, but if I had to pick one, I think the original Santa and his sleigh are my fav, but get a load of that Sushi! Going over to a few now to see any tips or tricks I might not know.
Sushi in a sleigh would be the ultimate chalk art!
These are great! I love the simplicity of them. The snowflakes are my favorite!
Thanks for liking my amateur snowflakes!