Peonies Envy and Free Peony Printables!

WOW! Free peony printables! This spectacular bouquet of pink peonies is stunning

This is what I wait 50 weeks of the year for – an explosion of peonies!

I planted three peony bushes two years ago (read my Peony Planting Tips here) and they reward me with armloads of blooms every spring. I can’t get enough of these stunners and I love clipping them and giving to friends!

Since they are so fleeting, I decided to capture a huge, freshly cut bouquet straight from my garden in a photo so I can enjoy my peonies all year long.

I can’t have all the fun so I’m sharing with you …

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Click HERE to download and print – for personal use only

Print at Home – set to print 8″ x 8″.
Print on heavy card stock (regular printer paper will do too) and trim off the excess
Order an art print HERE
they use premium card stock and you can even frame it (I chose a white frame) and choose from a variety of sizes!

Free Peonies Printable - print and frame this stunning bouquet of peonies

And the trophy goes to … my peonies!

Pink peonies in an antique trophy!

While I wait for my framed art print to arrive, you can find me here in my new blue chair from HomeGoods admiring, inhaling and worshipping my peonies (as the laundry and dirty dishes pile up)!

Cozy corner with blue mid chair, tassel throw and stunning bouquet of pink peonies

Can you believe I came across a mail order peony site where a dozen flowers was $120!

If you’re lucky enough to live in a zone where you can plant your own, I encourage you to do so. Read all my tips and tricks for planting success.

If you have peonies, what’s your favorite variety? I’m thinking of planting a few different colors this fall so I’d love to hear.

Peonies 101 – Planting and Care Tips so they Bloom

Peonies - Planting and Care Tips so they Bloom!

Blue Chair, Throw, Wood Stool – HomeGoods
Loving Cup Trophy – similar
Enamel Bread Box


  1. I too crave the day the peonies bloom. But it’s quickly followed by disappointment since EVERY year, I have a written in stone commitment, one week, out of state. I come home to a lovely carpet of pink and white petals in my garden. I have to leave it to my imagination and enjoy peonies from afar.

    1. Oh no Marilyn! I would clip some before you leave – when they are starting to open. Put them in a vase and they should be in bloom when you get home!

    2. My family said that years ago they would cut the peonies when they were just at the start of opening up, wrap in newspaper and put in the refrigerator. Then on Memorial Day week they were brought out of the refrigerator to be used on the families graves and the peonies would fully open. I think it would be worth a try if you are missing your blooms anyway.

  2. I adore peonies, too, and yours are gorgeous! I have two bushes, one light pink and one darker pink. I’d love to get a bush of that beautiful, rich, dark pink. My husband is a civilian Army employee, but we’ve been mobile and have lived in multiple states and Germany. Whenever we’ve lived where I can plant them, I’ve planted peonies, and others are benefiting from that! When he retires in two years, we’re moving, and I’ll be planting peonies, AGAIN.

  3. They are super gorgeous. I was lucky when I moved into my new house beautiful dark pink and white Peonies. We are lucky to get some in a vase this year before they died out. I am one of those lucky people that benefited from previous owners awesome green thumbs.

  4. Oh so beautiful!!! I have a pink peony and was scared it wasn’t go to bloom this year because we had a snow storm and didn’t think to cover them. I looked at them yesterday and the ants were there…. 😁Thanks again for the info 😍

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